Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Wow, I have been missing for some time, but I have excuses. Well, not knitting excuses, but busy life excuses. That'll have to sufice. I've been getting ready to go to Boston, which I'm so excited for it's consumed everything else, even crafting really. Well, not really since I've been working on book stuff, but there hasn't been much knitting or sewing. But guess what?! I'm going to take some knitting on the plane with me! Wow! I know! I think the socks that I started back in December are the perfect plane project, and since I have layovers too, I'm excited to see what I can do. I'll probably be frogging what I've done so far since I think they look waaaay too big, so hopefully I can find a nice and simple pattern to use in my pattern stash.

Hey, anyone know of any good knitting stores in Boston? Of course I'll be checking this store out: Paper Source! I'm excited!

Oh, and guess what? It's finally spring here and all the beautiful trees are in bloom! It's my favorite time of year and I have no pictures to show, that's how busy I've been running around! No time to stop and smell the cherry blossoms! This weekend is going to be great though. And maybe I'll have a finished sock or two to share when I get back!

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