Thursday, August 11, 2005

Not much new...

Well, there's nothing really going on right now except that I'm back to a normal schedule and love it. I went and played volleyball last night with a bunch of people up at the church. It was pretty fun but started getting too competitive for my taste. I've been helping my roommate who ruptured her Achilles to get around and helped her put together a rolling computer chair so she can get around the kitchen easier.

I've also been knitting, I'm about to start on the sleeves of the OSW, but I need to get a larger size 8 circular needle. I think I've been using 9 1/2US on the body with Cascade 220. Hopefully I'll be able to finish a sleeve tonight. I'm still not the fastest knitter. Especially because lately my wrists have been bothering me.

Last night I bought the cutest movie! It's an Irish/Scottish movie called "Dear Frankie" about this single Mom that writes letter to her son from his Dad. It was so sweet and just a really good clean film. I'm glad I bought it. I'm going to let Lizanne borrow it since she is the one who reminded me of it...

Oh, I'm also working on a journal for my friend and am going to start something for my other friends wedding. I'm going to start devoting a lot more time to my business. I was thinking it might be a good idea to set up a booth at Bridal Fairs if I can get some examples made up or something. Also I'm thinking of changing the name from Violet Book Bindery, but I don't know to what. I don't know why I'm unhappy with it, but I want something that will appeal to a wide range of people and I'm not sure that what I have now, will.

Well, I guess that's all for today. I'll be sure to update if anything exciting happens to me. The likelihood of that is slim to none and I'm glad for a change.

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